Friday, 25 October 2013

Pilates Pedi Ready!

As you know, Ballet Sculpters, Pilates, Yoga and dancers, you spend a lot of time looking at your tootsies during practice! So it might not make your downward dog or your forward fold any deeper, but it will be a helluva lot prettier if you paint your nails a beautiful colour.
Pilates Double Leg Lift:
Stack hips, knees, ankles
Rest cheek on extended lower arm
Upper hand on the floor for balance
Brace abdominals and raise both legs
Hold for a count of 5 then lower

Also, let's be honest. A dancer and gym bunny's feet are taking a lot of sneaker action so any quick, affordable, do-it-at-home pedicure is top priority. I have been scrubbing my tired little feet with Sally Hansen Pumice Polish. It smells like lavender and works like an exfoliator. So my feet smell like a lavender garden and they're all soft and smooth.

Finish off with either a deep, dark colour like my new pick, Essie "Carry On" (deep purple) or pick from one of the many beautiful pastel shades (Loving "Fiji" and "Sugar Daddy")
Check out Sally Hansen and Essie's whole range at Priceline

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